Find Your Word.
An intention to expand creativity, intuition, and beauty in the new year.
An immersion celebrating your own alchemy.
Finding your word for the year is a little bit of magic mixed with practicality and self-awareness. You cannot know your word if you don’t know where you are at currently and this process helps you tap into your intuition to know what’s next.
An intuitive immersion.
Finding a word for the year allows a focus — an intention. It’s more than a resolution — it’s an invitation.
An invitation to go inward.
To let go of assumptions of what the word holds for you and be open to the possibilities.
It’s an opportunity to learn a little more of the story you’re meant to tell and how you can stand barefoot in your purpose.
My words have served as catalysts for healing, taking me deeper into myself and forcing me to own up to who I am and what this body loves. They’ve allowed me space to expand into mother skin and shown me how to rise and create alchemy. It’s a little bit of magic mixed with practicality and self-awareness.
Which is why I’ve created this immersion for you — a short but extensive dive into how words come to us and what it takes to find it. You’ll get a glimpse into my own process as well as the words that have found me.
Because here’s the secret: I can’t tell you what your word will be — only you know when you find the one. It manifests differently for each person, but when it’s right and true it’s because the person has done the work to listen to the rhythm of their heart and the story only you can tell.
Get honest, and then get ready for magic.
We’ll meet for three days, each day covering a specific topics like what it means to listen to our story, embodiment of words and how this impacts our creativity, and recognizing shifts in our intuition throughout the year and how this can be pointing us to what’s next.
Immersion Specifics
Day One:
MAPPING YOUR NARRATIVE ARC: Why is it important to know your story? We’ll cover why we need to know where we come from in order to know where we’re going, and the magic of stepping into owning our story as well as understanding how we want to feel.
Day Two:
EMBODIMENT: Do you know what it feels like to be in alignment? Do you recognize the hints your body is whispering to you when you’re standing in your intuitive magic? We’ll talk about what embodiment does for us and our creativity, and how we can begin to mark the moments our body speaks to us.
Day Three:
INTEGRATION AND INTUITION: No one chooses a word for the year because they want to be in the same place in 365 days. So how do we live cohesively? How can we take what we know and the word marking our year and live accordingly? We’ll talk about what it looks like to live open and expansive while also embodying our word in a way true alchemy is available to us.
*All workshops will be hosted on Zoom, recorded and emailed out to participants in case you can’t join us.

“We all have a story.
What story are you living?
What story are you wanting to live?
Where is your thread leading you?”
— Elora Ramirez