Somewhere Between Water and Sky

I heard it said once that every human is a story with skin.
If this is true, paragraphs would be etched in the scars on my wrists.
Whole chapters could be written about the way my heart pounds when I startle awake.
And every single one of my tears could fill a book.
But stories, with all their promise, only leave room for disappointment. I don’t have room for that anymore. I left it all—the hope, the love, the promise—back in my old life with the ghosts I’d rather forget: Jude. Emma. Pacey.
This is how I dare to move forward and to believe in a beginning. I let go of the old. I just grab the new and run. I don’t wait around anymore. I can’t.
Waiting leaves room for the voices.
Somewhere between water and sky, I'll find a way to burn these voices to the ground.

Content Warnings:

  • Violence

  • Stalking

  • PTSD

Ramirez writes a story that is absolutely full of hurt and pain. But in the midst of all this tragedy comes something poetic and beautiful. I am overwhelmed by her ability to write something so amazing and yet heart wrenching at the same time. Her words, her sentences are some of the most beautiful I have ever read. I am just in awe of this lady.
— Mandy at I Read Indie