Word by word, the language of women so often begins with a whisper — Terry Tempest Williams
I’ve spent the better part of the last decade curating and building communities with women centered on how to write the story in your bones. We focused on indie publishing, characterization, dialogue, blogging, and creating a consistent rhythm for our writing. We focused on marketing with intention and soul and networking that doesn’t feel like manipulation. We focused on scheduling. Creating the perfect writing environment. Articulating the why behind your words.
We focused on everything but the root.
The root is Awaken the Story.
One caveat: this is not a community for writing + publishing your book. You might finish a book in the midst of this work. We’ll celebrate you. You might finally understand what it is you’re supposed to write. We’ll celebrate that, too. You might even publish: for this, you’ll get a collective wide dance party. But finishing a project isn’t what this particular collective is about — and that’s what makes it different.
This is a community to get down into the roots of your creative psyche and figure out once and for all what is keeping you from doing the thing you know you’re meant to do. Because once you know, everything else falls into place. Everything we talk about will be focused on three areas: reading your story, embracing your intuition, and finding your voice — all within the safety of a community of kindreds.
By focusing on these three things, we’ll uncover things that have been getting in the way of your own creativity and writing goals. You’ll have the tools necessary to live barefoot in your purpose: creating content for others that brings healing and hope.
Reading your story.
Embracing your intuition.
Finding your voice.
Read your story.
Do you know why you do the things you do? Do you freeze when trying to make decisions? What if I said that knowing your story — and being able to read it — would alleviate pain points and help make sense of next steps?
I’ll even give you a secret action step: spend some time writing down key moments from the past six months. As they’re happening, these moments felt monumental. You knew they shifted something internally. But now, taking the time to dissect and reflect, maybe you see how they’re all connected?
And even more, maybe it’s crystallizing the direction you’re currently headed.
In Awaken the Story, you’ll learn how to read your story and understand the implications this has on our creativity and writing.
What does this look like?
Prompts that help you uncover your pieces of your story you might be forgetting about (or hiding).
Writing your story — your story — in order to know where to begin.
Practical advice on how to focus and set intention about where you want to go next.
Group coaching calls where you’re able to process + practice reading your story .
No one knows you better than yourself. And sometimes, we forget what our internal voice sounds like because life gets so noisy with expectations. We’ll uncover the intricacies of habit and how this relates to our tendency to stifle our intuition. You’ll learn the science behind what it takes to restructure neural pathways — and rewrite the script behind some of your biggest blocks in creativity. This is more than handing you a worksheet and expecting you to have everything together as soon as you complete it. This is about cultivating a relationship with yourself by being open and willing to receive creative inspiration. How does that happen? Re-engage with your intuition. We’ll be intentional about our rhythms, allowing space for you to listen. Going quiet feels foreign for those of us always on the go, and it’s the first habit to form when you’re getting to know your intuition. All it takes is saying yes to listening.
What does this look like?
Questions that will spark your own intuitive voice
Workshops on rewriting negative scripts
One on one coaching that gets to the root of what’s getting you stuck (hint: it’s all in the listening)
Embrace your intuition.
Find your voice.
One of my favorite queen writers, Terry Tempest Williams, says that often, women find their voice by means of a betrayal. You wanna know what I think? I think this betrayal is the moment we realize the narrative we’ve been living is not the narrative we tell others.
There is always a disconnect — until we realize who we are and what we’re here to share. When that happens? It’s magic. Instantaneous, unadulterated, blinded by the brilliance magic.
In Awaken the Story, we’ll work on what it takes to find yourself — what are the stories you’re telling? How do these match up or intersect with what actually happened? Are you able to share pieces of your story without embellishing or hiding moments you’d rather forget? We’ll write our stories in order to serve as our own archeologist. Mining for data, looking for clues, and finding your voice along the way.
What does this look like?
Workshops on getting to the root of our desires — both personal and creative
Prompts that help you pinpoint what narrative you’re hanging on to — and guidance on how to let go.
Collective write-ins where you’re given the space to clear your throat and hone your voice.
So What’s Really Included?
Connection + Networking in our private lounge.
Quarterly workshops on intuition, claiming your creative birthright, finding your voice, and more
Access to any new Awake the Bones’ workbooks published while you’re in the community
Quarterly availability to 30 minute coaching calls
Monthly group coaching calls where we meet on Zoom and I answer questions from the collective and walk individuals through what’s getting them stuck
Weekly live where I walk you through what I’m learning personally in creativity and writing
Monthly Write ins where we meet as a collective and write + share our words
Fresh content written with you in mind and focused on creativity, intuition, finding your voice, and reading your story.
Is this for me?
Here's what I know: no one can answer this question except for you. Who normally signs up for my communities? Women who crave community, who aren't afraid to plumb the depths to get where they need to go with their story, who know that joining with other creatives they can do so much more than trying to go it alone.
But what if I'm not writing a book?
No, really. If you're not writing a book but feel pulled to join, I can only say that there's a reason for that intuitive spark. I've had many women who join with no plans to write a book, and a majority of them have since written and published their first work. So to answer this question, I ask you a question: is there a chance that maybe....just maybe....there's a book inside? If so, you've found your home.
Is this faith-based?
This isn't a faith-based community in the sense that I have a very firm dissonance when it comes to charging for something that involves the word church. However, faith is something that's incredibly important to me, and I am absolutely-without-a-doubt-certain that our own soul's architecture influences our creativity and the work we produce. So in our coaching sessions and in the community, there will be moments where we talk about what it looks like to find that inner monasticism, but this isn't an opportunity for me to preach or proselytize. In other words: you're welcome here. And you're welcome however you are — I won't be trying to change anyone.
How do payments work?
Payments are simple and automated, coming out of your account with Paypal every single month. And, there's no commitment. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Why are you only taking a limited amount of people?
When I created my first community, there was a lot of pressure to make it as big as possible as quick as possible. And it grew — fast. But it grew too fast and I realized that for this type of community, my particular sweet spot is 111 beautiful souls. This provides a lot of intimacy and connection.
If for some reason we fill up our available spots, I will create a waiting list. One of the beautiful things about this community is that I hope it’s organic and a bit nomadic. My goal is to get you to a spot where you trust yourself enough you know you can cancel your subscription and move on to what’s next in your creative journey.
Okay I'm in. How do I sign up?
I'm glad you asked and I can't wait for you to join. Check out the link below.

Once you join, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can put the email you want to use for communication.
104/111 spaces available