Story Bones

A place to find and sing over the forgotten bones of your creativity and intuition.

Gathering the Bones

Gathering the Bones

You have that thing — that persistent ache in the center of your chest — and no matter what you do, it remains. You know why it’s there, pushing against the edges of your ribcage. You also know it’s not a thing but an essence, long forgotten.

You’re here because you remember.

Story Bones speaks to this place in all of us: the hollowed out creativity from our youth begging for a rebirth. And you’ve lived multiple lives already — you know what it’s like to resurrect.

Join us as we learn, as we remember, how to sing over the dry bones of our creative magic.

What can you expect?

Intuitive-Led Content

Story Bones will exist primarily through words. Posts will go live and will always include reflection and journal prompts as well as suggestions for rituals. These posts will cover topics like waking the wild woman within your creativity, writing what you really want to write, censoring yourself (and how to avoid it), creative energy readings, writing spells for healing, elemental living, practical magic in writing and publishing, and more.

Weekly Creative Energy Readings

Every Sunday you will receive a reading for this collective centered on the creative energy we can anticipate for the next week. It will include prompts for reflection as well as guidance on any particularly potent days for harnessing creativity.

Femina Collective
Every month
Every year