Fire burns and lights the way forward. Earth reminds us to root down into our knowing, fire demands for us to pay attention to what truly belongs. There is heat in creation. There is a burning when we feel lit from within with inspiration. Earth centers us. Fire activates us.

One of the things true about creativity: if you want to experience burnout, pursue the things that really don’t light you up (but sound good to others). This could look like saying yes to a project that really stresses you out or pushing through the block of writing a chapter when you know you need to be working on something else. Ignoring our intuitive cues is a sure fire way to signal to our inner creative world that we’re not serious about what it takes to move forward.

By adjusting our own desire to those around us, we refuse the very thing that could light the way for our creativity in the future. And if we have truly rooted into our knowing, it’s so easy to determine what is for us and what is not.

What needs to be burned away?
Where are you resisting the letting go?

Journal Prompt: where in your creativity are you feeling lit ALL the way up with inspiration?

Tend the Flame

There will be people in our lives who do not understand the push and pull of creativity and what happens when the heat of words appear so suddenly in our veins. The inherent need to put pen to paper in those moments can feel a lot like the overwhelming power of a wildfire. But when someone close to us fails to understand or even negates the necessity, it can quiet the flame immediately.

Instead, we need those who tend the flame. Who allow for us to create in our capacity and in our power. Make a list of the people in your life who tend the flame and how they not only support your words, but inspire you to reach for the ones with the most heat.

It’s not always about lighting the flame within: sometimes, it’s the burning away. We all go through moments of transformation where the fire comes and offers a rich opportunity to transmute the methods and situations that have caused us pain — the belief systems we’ve out grown and the lies we’ve finally let go.

But after the fire, when the ash surrounds us, true beauty can be found.
There will always be two things that remain: our rooted knowing ready for a rebirth in the midst of rich soil, and the pieces of who we were that truly belong to us.

Consider this: when the fire finishes her path, what do you hope to find in the ash?