Integrating soul into your writing.
An immersion celebrating your own alchemy.
The Essence workshop is a little bit of magic mixed with practicality and self-awareness. We all have that thing — that mark — that makes us who we are and sets our writing on fire. This immersion helps you name that thing and begin integrating it into your writing.
Your essence is more than the stories you’re drawn toward and the words that fall from your lips. Your essence is soul. It’s blueprint. It’s the sacred grotto within you that leads to where your creativity rests. Beyond the programming, beyond the expectations, our essence waits for us to stumble into her magnetic field.
You feel it when it happens.
It’s a knowing.
A lightning rod of truth down your center.
It’s the muse, whispering in your ear.
It’s alignment.
When we’re tapped into our essence, the channel is clear. We can hear our story and the characters perfectly. Our intuition is supercharged. The words flow. There is gold there.
When we get stuck, when we lose that essence and instead focus on what someone else is doing — that’s when the blocks happen. That’s when we forget who we are and what we’re here to write.
This workshop will serve as an energetic chiropractic adjustment, realigning your core truths and essence so that you can tap in freely and know what is next with confidence.
For two hours, we’ll walk ourselves through creative body scans, pinpointing where the words are blocked. We’ll become Truth Tellers of our story, honoring the idea that has been burning within for years.
It’s time to pluck this idea and bring it into the light. You’ll leave with clarity on what is missing in your story — and what you’ve been ignoring out of fear or overwhelm.
You’ll leave with the tuning fork of healing, liberation, and inspiration — because that’s how it feels when we’re tapped into essence. Our words heal. They liberate. They inspire.
An intuitive immersion.
Cost: $33
Date: Coming Soon
WE’LL BEGIN WITH A GUIDED MEDITATION: Where do your words rest right now? It’s important we begin with this bedrock truth, so that we can build sustainability. Your fullness will look different from someone else’s fullness — just like your energetic blueprint will be different. Starting here, we’ll be able to begin the process of realignment.
WE’LL THEN MOVE INTO EMBODIMENT: Do you know what it feels like to be in alignment? Do you recognize the hints your body is whispering to you when you’re standing in your intuitive magic? We’ll talk about what embodiment does for us and our creativity, and how we can begin to mark the moments our body speaks to us. Speaking to the guided meditation from earlier, we’ll pinpoint how it felt to find the grotto within — and what it is we found there.
FINALLY, INTEGRATION AND INTUITION: How do we live cohesively? How can we take what we know and insights from this workshop and live accordingly? We’ll talk about what it looks like to live open and expansive while also embodying our creativity in a way true alchemy is available to us. We’ll also get down to brass tacks: what does the next step look like? What story is asking to be written?
*All workshops will be hosted on Zoom, recorded and emailed out to participants in case you can’t join us.
Immersion Specifics

“We all have a story.
What story are you living?
What story are you wanting to live?
Where is your thread leading you?”
— Elora Ramirez