The Wild Mother


I took Instagram off the home page of my iPhone yesterday.

It’s been a long time coming. For the past few months, I have felt more and more inclined to share myself within the space of my weekly letter and dreaming about the days where I was able to post on my blog full-formed thoughts that allowed me to dive deep into the topic without fear of character limits.

I’m nothing if not verbose, and this is both a blessing a challenge.

And I’ve discovered, over the past few years, I have felt more and more constrained and self-edited within the space of those small squares. As someone who finds herself continually through words, this was problematic. So here I am, in this space, aiming for something that feels more True.


I’ve recently learned that part of who I am rests in this inner conflict of deep masculine drive vs a need for inner sovereignty and what it looks like to embody leadership within a feminine framework. I’ve been pulled toward the concept of matriarchy and midwifery for years, and it’s part of where the roots of my story coaching originate. However, what I didn’t recognize or prepare myself for was just how deep this goes and just how needed it is: both internally and collectively. But it makes sense, right? The patriarchy has wounded us and programmed into us the impossibility of a divine feminine within ourselves.

But she’s there.

I call her the Wild Mother.

This is where I’m at right now: learning, growing, de-programming, and understanding that maybe just maybe, my creativity is my worship. We need it so badly right now: the vision and dissonance of creatives and artists reminding us that there is a better way and a better world possible.

Maybe just maybe, helping others heal and find their creative voice within the divine feminine is why I’m here.




The Itching of Wings