The Unknown Waters of Truth

I have a question for you.

What if you let it all go?

What if you made a list of all of the expectations you carry around your neck and set fire to the lies that burden you with shame? What if you finally stood in your power and who you know yourself to be creatively?

What if you let your own inherent magic shine through for everyone to see?

Does this feel threatening?

Of course it does. Growing and taking the risk of stepping into our true nature feels like the biggest leap because up until now, we didn’t understand there was an internal compass that would show us where to go. But it’s there, and it’s showing us our True North in a way we cannot deny anymore.

You’re being asked to let go, and heal, and breathe in something new.

This is the energy for the week.

You’ve been spellbound for so long, unable to use your voice or harness your intuition without the voices of others reaching in and telling you where to go. It’s time to release. It’s time to unravel the Truth from the fray.

And only you know how to decipher between the two.

Here’s the catch: until you do this, until you release the grip of safety and belonging you have wound so tightly in your fist, your creativity will continue to sputter in and out of consciousness. Until you take that breath and let it all out — the residue, the toxicity, the filtration of false beliefs — you’re not going to be able to truly access your inner knowing or the Creative Voice that belongs to you alone because you’re breathing in someone else’s air. You need new air that’s not filled with the dusty remnants of another’s creativity and insight.

It will feel a little like stepping off a cliff and a lot like diving deep into unknown waters, but you were made for this moment.

So claim yourself, love.
Claim your power.
Close your eyes and breathe deep the scent of your own alchemy. Notice the way it expands around you and fills the places you thought were lost.

Burn away the lies and the expectations that have weighed you down for so long and believe that the bigger magic you were meant for will find you because She will. She will find you because She is already in you.

Do you hear Her?
She calls to you now.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.

And so it is.


There is No Limit to Love


A Grenade to the Chest