Caught in a Web of Your Own Making

Sometimes, feeling stuck isn’t because of an outside force.

Sometimes, we’re caught in a web of our own making.

And this can look like backing ourselves into creative corner and refusing to see (or hear!) the direction our story is going or we ignore the very real intuitive nudges that come for us in the heat and magic of creation. We get stuck. Even though we know the direction we’re going, even though we can see the destination in the distance, we’ve caught ourselves in a sticky situation and can’t get out because we’re pretending to not know what we really know.

That’s the Creative Energy this week.

So how do we get unstuck? Well first, you have to acknowledge what you are pretending to not know. You have to dive in head and heart first into the reality that there is something in the discomfort of starting over in order to salvage the story you’re meant to live. What signs have you ignored? What messages have you received?

It’s time to be honest, love.

You have to look for where you’ve honed in on a single element, forgetting the rest. You cannot allow the fire to rage without also acknowledging the waves that wash everything away, showing us what remains. You cannot truly find your essence if all you’re doing is walking with your head in the clouds.

We need temperance.
So where are you resisting equanimity?

Every story of rebirth first begins with death. Maybe it’s time for you to leap. Maybe it’s time for your journey to the Underworld to begin. Who knows what you might discover if you finally lean into that intuitive nudge.


A Grenade to the Chest


Sundays with Maggie, vol. 1