Creative Energy Reading: February 18
Deck Used: The Raven Dream Tarot
Pull: Seven of Swords, King of Cups, The World, Seven of Pentacles, Page of Swords
Every time I find myself near the end of a manuscript, I know. I can tell by the way I am wanting to skip ahead and jump to the end. I see the finish line, and I know the distance between right here and not yet is getting shorter and shorter. Logically, I know that if I stay focused on the story and let it unfold, eventually I will reach the ending. But creatively? The excitement takes over and turns into carbonation in my veins. I did it. I finished another book. I thought I wouldn’t and here it is, almost done.
If I’m not careful, the excitement will outweigh the knowing and my sentences will shift. Syntax will feel rushed. Diction forced. The plot completely forgotten in favor of that glorious and magical last scene.
It takes breathing. Lots of breathing.
It takes focus. Lots of focus.
A lot can happen in the last thirty or so pages of a novel. It’s a disservice to my characters to stop listening to their guidance simply because I see the ending. It’s like that in life sometimes too. We finally get the click of an answer to a question that’s been bugging us for weeks, maybe months but the catch is that it’s clarity that comes in the future.
That is the energy of this week. The Seven of Pentacles asks us to pause, just for a moment, and gain a deeper awareness so that our art and creativity have the roots they need to strengthen into something beautiful. It’s in this pause where magic things grow and where we can spot the things that could pose a risk to our creative nature. Had we run full steam ahead, we would have missed that critical error. Instead, we take a breath.
We take about ten breaths.
And we trust that the timing is the way it is for a reason and that somewhere, somehow, our intuition is working to protect the creativity within us. That’s the King of Cups energy here: wisdom, understanding, intuition, and leadership. How can we lead ourselves through the pause? What does it look like to trust the timing of our own creative efforts?
You are almost there — almost ready to share what it is you’ve been working on — but it’s not quite time.
You’ve been in the throes of sacred creation, harnessing your intuition to breathe life into something that feels big. Big as in you recognize the risk involved in sharing. Big as in this might be the first thing you’ve trusted yourself on with creation. Big as in you, on the page. Big as in holy. And you will reach that moment of culmination. Remember? We see the ending — the energy of The World bright and gleaming in the near distance. It’s up to us to use the glow of that illumination to light the way toward fruition.
You’ve tapped into the depths of creative energy, allowing the weight of it to transmute through your veins. Taking all of the lessons you’ve gained along the way, you know this moment feels different than the other moments. Trust that determination to protect the creativity still hiding in the crevices of your soul.
You see, and you know.
Trust the knowing, and create.